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Sunday 7 October 2012

CNA Programs in Nevada

A person in Nevada can become a certified nursing assistant if they qualify the National Nurse Aid Assessment Program examination (NNAAP) and obtain a CNA certification. In order to obtain this certification, you will have to undergo a nursing assistant training that will help you to learn all the responsibilities of a nurse so that you work appropriately at the medical facilities when employed. 

Many community colleges and nursing schools in Nevada conduct CNA programs. Some of the colleges are:

  • Great Basin College
  • College of Southern Nevada
  • Western Nevada College

CNA Programs in Nevada

The course content of this training comprises of lectures and laboratory work that will be conducted for 80 hours in all and clinical practice that will be conducted for 40 hours [*see]. This is an average course schedule and it may differ to some extent for different colleges. You will be taught how to take care of the patients, communicate politely with them, maintain a health record of every patient and provide them with the appropriate food and medicines on time.

Free CNA Programs

There are few colleges in Nevada that offer free CNA programs for those who require financial assistance for the course. The Board of Nursing in Nevada has information about it and you can contact them for the appropriate details of such colleges. There are many scholarships and financial grants too and you can apply for them to avail the facilities provided by the government.

Nevada training schools for certified nurse assistants offer many facilities to the aspirants so that more number of people get employed and serve the patients with good care.